Local History Collection
The following records are available in the Gilbertsville Free Library Local Histroy Collection. The records are available at any time the library is open.
- Genealogies, local, regional and New York state histories and historical reference books
- Selection of Family and Genealogy Files
- Cemetery records [our records are not on-line]
- town of Butternuts
- East Guilford
- town of Guilford
- Sidney
- Unadilla
- Funeral Director Records, 1894-1975
- Census Records:
- on microfilm, Federal 1790 - 1930
- N.Y. State, 1855-1905
- Hard copy: 1790 - Conn., Mass., New Hampshire,
- New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia
- 1800 - Otsego County
- 1855, 1865, 1875, Town of Guilford, transcriptions
- 1855, 1865, 1875, 1892, -Town of Unadilla, transcriptions
- Transcription & Index for Butternuts Census
- 1790, 1800, 1810
- 1820, 1830, 1840
- 1850, 1855, 1860 Index Only
- 1865, 1870 Index Only
- Tax Records
- Microfilm - Otsego County 1799-1803 all townships
- Church Records:
- Baptist, 1806-1914 (microfilm), Index
- Episcopal, 1833-1918, Index
- Methodist-Episcopal, 1848-1923, Index
- Presbyterian/Congregational, 1797-1932, Index
- School Records
- Gilbertsville Academy & Collegiate Institute
- 1814 - 2004
- School Commission Minutes, 1814-1874, microfilm
- District School minutes, 1822- 1947, incomplete
- Year books, Gilbertsville C.S. 1895-1990
- GMU 1991-2004
- Mt. Upton Central 1976-1990
- Gilbertsville Academy & Collegiate Institute
- Post cards, Atlases and Maps
- Newspapers: on microfilm:
- The Morris Chronicle, 1865-1932 [some years missing]
- The Otsego Journal, 1876-1965
- Revolutionary War veterans information and Civil War veterans information
- Village and Town Structural Inventory forms
- all village structures and some structures in the township
- Otsego County Board of Representatives, annual reports, 1804-2003
- Additional family, organizational, town, village, and business records, as well as photographs, blueprints and scrapbooks, available by appointment.
Gilbertsville Historical Records Collection - Women In History